Building GCC compilers on an HPC cluster



The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a leading open-source compiler suite that includes C, C++, Fortran and other languages. GCC is not to be confused with gcc, which is the GNU C compiler, one of the components in GCC. On the Linux system of the cluster, the built-in GCC version may be too old (e.g. on CentOS 6, this is GCC 4.4.7) for building (compiling) some applications that requires the language features not yet supported by that version of GCC. To build these applications on an HPC cluster, such as UCLA Hoffman2 cluster, it is necessary to install a newer version of GCC on the system. A common misconception is to assume that installing a new GCC requires Linux system administrator privilege. This is false. In fact, a regular user can install virtually any version of GCC available, or most open-source application programs, under the home directory independently using existing tools available on the cluster. In this technical note, we discuss the process of installing GCC 9. We note by passing that the process of installing other versions of GCC is similar, if not identical. The process of installing many other GNU software packages is also largely the same.

GCC Evolution

Starting from GCC 5, GCC uses 2-number version naming convention (e.g. 9.3), in contrast to the 3-number version number used in prior releases (e.g. GCC 4.4.7). In the new 2-number versioning system, the first number is the major version number, implying that new features are introduced into that release. The second number is the minor version, denoting bug fixes that correct the reported issues introduced in the initial major release. We note that, while the main documentation now uses the post-GCC-5 two-number versioning system, when downloading the GCC source for compiling, as discussed in later sections, a third number is still present in the file name (e.g. “0” in “gcc-9.3.0.tar.gz”).

Here are some examples of the new features introduced in GCC major releases over the years:

  • C++11 is added in and after GCC 4.8.4.

  • In GCC 5, the default mode for C is changed to -std=gnu11 instead of -std=gnu89.

  • In GCC 6, the default mode for C++ is changed to -std=gnu++14 instead of gnu++98.

  • In GCC 7, a number of C++ language related changes, e.g. enforcing stricter rules when using templates, and the implementation of most of OpenACC 2.0a specification is added.

  • In GCC 8, the C and C++ compilers can emit more fix-it hints.

  • In GCC 9, there are further improvements of command line options and diagnostics information, and the implements most of OpenACC 2.5 specification is added.

  • In GCC 10, the implement most of OpenACC 2.6 specification is added.

More details about the changes in each release are available online. For example, are the new changes for GCC 9.

Sometimes the build process needs to be modified (e.g. using alternative compiler options) if the application assumes certain default behavior of GCC that is different from that of the version being used.

Building GCC

Download the source

Different versions of GCC can be freely downloaded from one of the GNU mirror sites, listed in Here we use the wget command to download GCC 9.3 from the mirror site into the current directory, such as your scratch directory:

$ wget

The downloaded .tar.gz is a compressed file. It needs to be uncompressed and expanded before use, described in the next section.

Decompress the .tar.gz file

We can use the tar command to decompress (a.k.a. “un-gzip”) and to expand (a.k.a. “untar”) the tar file in one go:

$ tar xvfz gcc-9.3.0.tar.gz
$ cd gcc-9.3.0

Several arguments have been passed to the tar command:

  • “x”: expand the tar file back to its original file structure (i.e. individual files)

  • “f”: use the file

  • “v”: display the progress on screen

  • “z”: decompress the gzip’d .gz file

See for more details about tar.

In the gcc-9.3.0 directory, there should be many files, including configure, which is the script we will use next, as well as several documentation files such as README and NEWS.

Download the prerequisites

Building GCC requires a number of external libraries (e.g. GMP). They need to be installed prior to installing GCC. Care should be taken about the versions of these libraries because GCC requires matching versions (or ranges of versions) of these libraries; incompatible external libraries result in a broken GCC build. In the gcc-9.3.0/ directory from the last step, this script is run to download the required external libraries:

$ ./contrib/download_prerequisites

The screen output should look similar to:

2020-05.../pub/gcc/infrastructure/gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2 [2383840] -> "./gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2" [1]
2020-05.../pub/gcc/infrastructure/mpfr-3.1.4.tar.bz2 [1279284] -> "./mpfr-3.1.4.tar.bz2" [1]
2020-05.../pub/gcc/infrastructure/mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz [669925] -> "./mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz" [1]
2020-05.../pub/gcc/infrastructure/isl-0.18.tar.bz2 [1658291] -> "./isl-0.18.tar.bz2" [1]
gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2: OK
mpfr-3.1.4.tar.bz2: OK
mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz: OK
isl-0.18.tar.bz2: OK
All prerequisites downloaded successfully.

A word about where to run the build. After downloading all of the files, we can proceed to configure and build GCC, described in the next sections. These steps are CPU-intensive. It is highly recommended to launch an interactive session (via the job scheduler) to perform the operations on a compute node, as the login nodes may be too loaded or memory-restricted for these tasks.


Before building (compiling) GCC, we need to configure it by passing several parameters to the configure script and also let the configure script to detect certain machine specific parameters of the cluster.

One requirement of GCC is that one cannot run the configure script directly in the same directory where the configure is located. We need to create a separate, empty directory and run the configure script from the new directory. These steps can be done by the following commands:

$ cd ..             # go up one level from gcc-9.3.0
$ mkdir gcc_build

Before proceeding to the next step, let’s confirm that you have the two directories at the same level:

$ ls
gcc-9.3.0  gcc-9.3.0.tar.gz  gcc_build

The gcc-9.3.0 is the result of expanding gcc-9.3.0.tar.gz, and gcc_build is the new empty directory where we will run the configure script. These two directories may be deleted after GCC is successfully built and installed.

Enter the gcc_build directory and run the configure script (located in another directory, gcc-9.3.0), assuming that you will install GCC to your directory $HOME/sw/gcc/9.3.0:

$ cd gcc_build
$ ../gcc-9.3.0/configure \
  --prefix=$HOME/sw/gcc/9.3.0 \
  --disable-multilib \
  --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,jit \
  --enable-checking=release \

The meanings of the parameters are:

  • --prefix: the directory where GCC will be installed

  • --disable-multilib: we will build only the 64-bit version of GCC.

  • --enable-languages: only the compilers of the specified languages will be built; GCC contains more other languages.

  • --enable-checking: Enable additional checkings for stage1 of compiler

  • --enable-host-shared: Build host code as shared library; this is needed for jit.

See for more information about configuring GCC.


After running configure, we are ready to build GCC. We are going to build GCC using the system default compiler, e.g.

$ which gcc
$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23)
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

To build GCC, simply issue the make command in the [gcc_build]{.title-ref} directory (where we just ran the configure command in the previous section). We add -j 4 to enable parallel build (using multiple CPU cores) to accelerate the build process:

$ make -j 4

The make step takes a while to complete. If the make step is successful, make install will install GCC to the directory specified by --prefix in the configure step.


It is a good idea to run GCC tests to see if it is correctly built. Running tests takes a while to complete. To run GCC tests, run the following command in the build directory (e.g. gcc_build from previous sections):

$ make -k check


From the build directory (e.g. gcc_build), run this command to install GCC to the target directory, specified by --prefix in the configure step:

$ make install

Using GCC

To use the newly installed GCC, the corresponding file system paths need to be added to the environment variables:

install_dir=$HOME/sw/gcc/9.3.0       # GCC install directory
export PATH=$install_dir/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$install_dir/lib64:\
unset install_dir

The temporary variable install_dir corresponds to the the path set by --prefix in the configure step, discussed previously. After using its value in PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it can be removed, or “unset” as shown above. The purpose of the PATH environment variable is for the GCC commands (e.g. typing gcc) to be found automatically without a full path. The purpose of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is for the shared libraries associated with GCC be found at run time. To make $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH permanent, this block can be added to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.

The Linux operating system uses the file system paths in PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the left-to-right order. We added the newly installed GCC at the beginning of these environment variables, so they are found (and used) in the current shell, even if there are paths to other versions of GCC later in the paths.


This technical note summarizes the essential steps of installing GCC compilers within a regular user’s own directory without requiring superuser (or system administrator) privilege in an HPC cluster environment, such as UCLA Hoffman2 cluster. The procedure is expected to be the same, except for the version numbers, for similar GCC versions, at least those released in recent past or in near future.


The script to run the entire procedure described in this note is available at: